Inclusive App


Low returning new users (after registration and first-time entering the app)

New users get lost and overwhelmed when they first enter the homepage (after registration)

New users (who came in the app with an intended use case) are unsure what and how to setup after registration

Problem Statement 2
Problem Statement 3

The onboarding flow for the mobile app is a ‘one-size fits all’ experience. From internal data and multiple research studies, the team noticed different user segments struggled during onboarding that leads to the three key problem statements (below).

Problem Statement 1

Disclaimer: This page only include high level details and insights. If you would like to know more, feel free to leave your contact and I will get back to you!

Create a delightful and inclusive onboarding experience.


Lead Researcher

As the lead of the research project, my responsibilities were:

  • Research scoping and planning (including workshops)

  • Research interviews moderation and workshop facilitation

  • Insights synthesis, analysis and presentation

  • Escalation of project challenges and issues

  • Oversee fieldwork logistics planning and execution (done by an junior researcher)


The design thinking process

Research was involved in entire design thinking process. However, I summarised the research methodologies based on three (3) stages as some of the efforts were combined.

Stage 1: Aggregate and resynthesize users’ pain points (different sources from internal data & primary research studies)

Stage 2: Two (2) different workshops, with Product managers and designers

  • Problem statement and ideas creation workshop, to craft different solutions based on the problem statements (from pain points)

  • Alignment workshop, to craft the journey flow of the ‘winning’ idea

Product designers subsequently prepared the prototype

Stage 3: Usability testing with real users, to validate the flow experience

Users that matter



For Stage 3 (Usability Testing), we focused on non-users of the app, and people who are less comfortable with technology.

  • Those who have not registered to the app

  • Mix of elderly (above 55 years old) and suburban folks

The goal was to evaluate the experience with these group of people to make sure it works well even for those who are not tech savvy.

From the internal data and past research

Different pain points across stages of onboarding journey.

Three (3) key summary:

  • Being shown too many use cases at homepage

  • Takes effort to skim through and navigate to the intended use case

  • Vague understanding of the app benefits


From the alignment & co-creation workshop

From the alignment & co-creation workshop

Workshop 1: Problem statement & Ideation

The team came up with a winning idea: A homepage experience catered based on users’ intended first use.

Workshop 2: Alignment

Collectively, the team brainstorm and crafted the questions and flow - for designers to come up with the prototype.

A homepage experience catered based on users’ intended first use.

Three (3) key insights:

  • Too many decision making at the point of registration

  • Unnoticable personalised features and CTA at homepage

  • Unsure of the app benefits, if they skip the some parts of the onboarding

Reduce potential development sunk cost & effort


Not all solutions or features come to fruition, and this is one of them. However, I still wanted to showcase this as the decision made was for the good and it is one of the core reasons for UX Research - to mitigate risk and minimize sunk cost.

From the usability testing, the new onboarding journey did not enhance the experience for new users. Hence, the solution was parked in the back burner. The team continued to explore and iterate other Onboarding solutions from the workshops.